
Max the Muse

People often ask authors if the characters in their books are based on real people. I personally have never done that….with people.

Sloan’s dog Max, who first appears in Deaglan’s Deception, book 3 of my series, is based on and named after my son’s dog. Max is a Cocker Spaniel who has been my writing buddy for years, snuggling into my lap as I just manage to reach over him to get to the keyboard.

He is very much like the dog in my book, down to his wiggly butt and ear splitting bark. But, alas, Max isn’t living with me anymore. My son moved out of state a year ago, but left Max with me since he barked too much for apartment living. Not long ago my son came to collect his dog since he is now moving into a house.

max sleeping on the job
Max sleeping on the job!

Sure, I’m going to miss that silly dog like crazy. But I have a wonderful way to keep him close to me. I’m working on a new series with Sloan as the protagonist and with Max, as ever, at her side. I’ve just begun the first book, but hope to get through it quickly. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, do you have a furry friend who inspires or entertains you? Tell me about them in the comments–better yet, post a picture!

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