My Writer Besties
Writing can be a lonely pursuit. Talking to your friends and family about your work in progress is nice, and I did plenty of that, but they don’t really understand what you’re going through and eventually—although they would never say so—they get tired of hearing it.
A couple of years ago I was at a spot in my writing career where I had published a few books and had made several connections with other authors at conferences and online. But I longed to connect with writers in my own backyard. To that end, I joined a local writers group, the Pocono Liars Club, which met at my local library.
This is a fantastic group and if you’re a writer living in the Pocono, PA area, published or unpublished, I highly recommend them. They meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm at the Hughes Library. They are a warm and welcoming group that works on different aspects of writing skills at their monthly meeting and put together two conferences every year. I’ve taught a few workshops for their annual beginning writers workshop.
It was from the connections I made in the Liars Club that led me to this wonderful group, the Lady Writers of the Poconos. Here I found what I was longing for all along, true friends who understood the angst and joy that goes with writing fiction. A support system that extends past our art into the rest of our non-writer lives.
We come from different places, have had different experiences, write in different genres and yet we are bonded by womanhood, our shared pursuits and friendship. In short, they make my life better.
On top of all of this, they are also excellent writers. If your reading interests go beyond fantasy to thrillers, mysteries, romance, contemporary or action adventure, consider trying one of their books. You won’t be disappointed.
Here are our published authors and their Amazon page:
and, of course, me: Belinda M Gordon
Whatever your passion may be, I wish you friends like these with whom to share it.