Having It All- A New Novel in a New Genre!
I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I wanted to let everyone know about a new book I released—and it’s not what you might have expected! First, let me give you a bit of background information. You may or may not be aware that my first career was working on Wall Street. I spent the ‘80s and ‘90s working on the Over-The-Counter market. Better know today as the NASDAQ market. I left Wall Street in 2002. In the late 90s. I tried my hand at writing a book for the first time. The story, about—you guessed it—a young mother working on Wall Street doing her best to…
The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secret’s Reviewed on Reedsy Discovery
The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secret’s has been selling on Amazon for a couple of weeks now, but today it gets an official launch hosted by Reedsy Discovery. One of the hardest things to do after writing a book is getting your work in the hands of readers. Building up your reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and the like is one method and the reason I frequently ask readers to leave one when they finish a book. Reedsy Discovery is another method of finding readers. First, they do a professional review of the book. My thanks goes out to my reviewer, Charlotte Graham. I’m pleased to say she loved the book and had wonderful things to say, including:…
A Sneak Peek into The First Findale Fae Mystery
There’s still one more week before The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secrets is available for everyone to read. In the meantime, I thought I’d share a sneak peek at the first chapter: CHAPTER ONE Max, my floppy-eared cocker spaniel, stood on his hind legs and scratched excitedly at the trailer door, his blond stump of a tail wagging back and forth behind him—antics meant to remind me that I hadn’t let him out for his morning walk–as if I needed another reminder of how late I was running. I grabbed the FedEx box from my tiny kitchen table with a sigh and rushed to the door. As I reached…