New Release

Having It All- A New Novel in a New Genre!

I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I wanted to let everyone know about a new book I released—and it’s not what you might have expected!

First, let me give you a bit of background information. You may or may not be aware that my first career was working on Wall Street. I spent the ‘80s and ‘90s working on the Over-The-Counter market. Better know today as the NASDAQ market. I left Wall Street in 2002.

In the late 90s. I tried my hand at writing a book for the first time. The story, about—you guessed it—a young mother working on Wall Street doing her best to juggle her family and her career, had some plot problems that I couldn’t resolve so I tucked it away, chalking it up as a learning experience and went on to the next book.

Many years and six books later, at the encouragement of my husband, I pulled it out and dusted it off. And guess what? It turns out I’ve learned a lot about storytelling over the years! So, long story short (I know, too late), this release is that book!


Dalia’s trying to have it all. Will she lose everything in the process?

This is a new genre for me—Women’s Contemporary Fiction—there are no supernatural or fantasy elements in this story. I call it contemporary and I hope that isn’t misleading as it is set in 1997. When I updated the story, I had to keep it in the same time period I originally wrote it in. Wall Street is ever changing and the story wouldn’t work at a time where everyone has a cell phone.

I hope you will give the book a read! If you enjoy the story, please consider leaving a review.





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