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    New Fantasy Novel Tressa’s Treasures Puts a Unique Twist on Fairies

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE United States – October 18 2015: Earlier this week, the noted fiction author Belinda Gordon released her latest book entitled Tressa’s Treasures. The book is the first installment of Gordon’s fantasy series The King’s Jewel, which blends Celtic mythology with hints of Christianity. The story follows a Sidhe named Tressa, who is a fae in hiding. Born to greatness but unable to fulfill her transcendent role, Tressa hides on her grandmother’s estate and fakes her humanity. After she uses her abilities to protect a friend, strange things begin to happen. When a group of evil fae start coming for her, Tressa strives to protect the people she…

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    Tressa’s Treasures Due for November 2015 Release

    Belinda M Gordon’s first full length novel, Tressa’s Treasures, is on schedule for release in early November 2015.  The Romance/Fantasy will work as a stand alone read, but it is slated to be the first in a series of four books.  The following three books in the series are due for release over the course of 2016 and 2017. Sign up for the author’s VIP list to receive notification when the books are released.