• New Release

    Having It All- A New Novel in a New Genre!

    I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I wanted to let everyone know about a new book I released—and it’s not what you might have expected! First, let me give you a bit of background information. You may or may not be aware that my first career was working on Wall Street. I spent the ‘80s and ‘90s working on the Over-The-Counter market. Better know today as the NASDAQ market. I left Wall Street in 2002. In the late 90s. I tried my hand at writing a book for the first time. The story, about—you guessed it—a young mother working on Wall Street doing her best to…

  • New Release,  Reviews

    The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secret’s Reviewed on Reedsy Discovery

    The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secret’s has been selling on Amazon for a couple of weeks now, but today it gets an official launch hosted by Reedsy Discovery. One of the hardest things to do after writing a book is getting your work in the hands of readers. Building up your reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and the like is one method and the reason I frequently ask readers to leave one when they finish a book. Reedsy Discovery is another method of finding readers. First, they do a professional review of the book. My thanks goes out to my reviewer, Charlotte Graham. I’m pleased to say she loved the book and had wonderful things to say, including:…

  • New Release,  Snippets

    A Sneak Peek into The First Findale Fae Mystery

    There’s still one more week before The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secrets is available for everyone to read. In the meantime, I thought I’d share a sneak peek at the first chapter:   CHAPTER ONE   Max, my floppy-eared cocker spaniel, stood on his hind legs and scratched excitedly at the trailer door, his blond stump of a tail wagging back and forth behind him—antics meant to remind me that I hadn’t let him out for his morning walk–as if I needed another reminder of how late I was running. I grabbed the FedEx box from my tiny kitchen table with a sigh and rushed to the door. As I reached…

  • General

    The Men We Love

      You’d be forgiven for thinking this post might be about our husbands, our brothers, or our sons, but my fellow Lady Writers and I want to share a little something about the other men in our lives: the characters we write. Each of us picked a favorite, and it was no easy task. We’ve all written multiple novels and have been a part of many characters’ lives. But there are always standouts, those characters you come to love above all others. Here are ours.   The Two Men in My Make-Believe Life Sahar Abdulaziz I’ve written quite a few male characters to date. Some have been devious, sneaky… sociopathic……