Finalists Announced in IAN Book of the Year Awards for 2020
The prestigious IAN Book of the Year Award named Belinda M Gordon’s newest release, The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secrets, a finalist in the category of ‘Mystery’. The Independent Author Network (IAN) is a community of authors who are self-published or published by a small indie press. They have been presenting the Book of the Year award since 2015 to recognize outstanding works of both fiction and non-fiction. The over 600 entries were judged by experienced reviewers, authors, publishers, and editors. Works of fiction are judge on the following criteria: vibrant covers, attention-grabbing openings, memorable characters, crisp dialogue, captivating and original plots, and climactic, memorable endings. About the Book The Good…
The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secret’s Reviewed on Reedsy Discovery
The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secret’s has been selling on Amazon for a couple of weeks now, but today it gets an official launch hosted by Reedsy Discovery. One of the hardest things to do after writing a book is getting your work in the hands of readers. Building up your reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and the like is one method and the reason I frequently ask readers to leave one when they finish a book. Reedsy Discovery is another method of finding readers. First, they do a professional review of the book. My thanks goes out to my reviewer, Charlotte Graham. I’m pleased to say she loved the book and had wonderful things to say, including:…
Cover Reveal for The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secrets
Shaggy Dog Productions is pleased to reveal the cover for The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secrets, the first book in author Belinda M. Gordon’s new series the Findale Fae Mysteries. This new series is a fusion of Urban Fantasy and Cozy Mysteries, set in the same world as Gordon’s original series, The King’s Jewel. The stories focus on Sloan, the Sidhe spear bearer, who has returned with her cocker spaniel Max, to live in the small town of Findale in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. This series has something for everyone––humor, mystery, fae, and even a loveable dog! Look for The Good Pharmacist’s Deadly Secrets to be released in April 2020! This…
Character Picture Board
Characters are the most important element of any well-crafted story. So, not surprisingly, a lot goes into creating them. Many writers develop full histories and personality descriptions for even minor characters, including things like where they were born and details of their childhood—even though none of that information ever makes it into the story. And of course, authors need to consider the character's physical appearance. What color are their hair and eyes, what is their race? Are they short, tall, portly, skinny? Even a carefully chosen name can enhance the image the author is creating.